Jul 13, 2021 | Real Estate, Tips
When it comes to purchases, your house is probably the biggest one you will ever make. You want to make sure that when you make that investment, that you have the right people helping you out. That is where a title company can be your best friend. Title companies can...
May 31, 2021 | Real Estate, Tips
Buying a house is a huge step in any person’s life, but when is the right time to buy? Many people will tell you that you must buy a house when the market is down. They say you will get the best price during a bear market and that any other time you might overpay. But...
Apr 25, 2021 | Real Estate, Tips
It’s always exciting to be on the hunt for a new home, but don’t wait until you have an accepted offer to shop for a home inspector. You want to allow time to interview several candidates so that you can be sure to hire an experienced professional. A home...
Apr 14, 2021 | Real Estate, Tips
New (and soon to be) investors think that negotiating is really hard. And while that’s not necessarily wrong, real estate negotiations, in most cases, are simple and straightforward. That’s probably because most don’t begin to negotiate until there’s...
Mar 23, 2021 | Real Estate
Nearly 40% of Americans cry during the process of selling their home. Sure, it can be a stressful time, and possibly a mental crisis waiting to happen, but there are some guidelines to help make it smoother. Here are some top home selling tips: Find Your Agent...
Feb 25, 2021 | Real Estate
The first-time homebuyer steps are a long one, and if you’re not careful, there’s a lot that can throw you off-track. From low appraisals to surprise credit checks, a number of problems could slow your purchase or even undermine it altogether. Are you on the search...