What IS a Title, Exactly?

What IS a Title, Exactly?

You’ve in the process of buying a home, and just received a discouraging call from your realtor.  “I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this,” the agent apologizes, “but that home you’ve made an offer on is not eligible for purchase. It appears it’s been...
Did your Realtor Disclose an ABA? Buyer Beware!

Did your Realtor Disclose an ABA? Buyer Beware!

Buying a house can be a daunting task. Agents, contracts, inspections, loan approval, title insurance, closing costs, and of course, reams of paperwork. At some point in the process of collecting documentation and scheduling yet another appointment, you’ve no doubt...
How a Realtor Can Spot Title Issues

How a Realtor Can Spot Title Issues

Little bad news can be as hard to deliver to a prospective homeowner as, “I’m sorry. The property you wanted is not eligible for purchase due to title issues of which we were previously unaware.” For the real estate agent who was counting on closing a sale, this news...
How to Choose Your Real Estate Services Niche

How to Choose Your Real Estate Services Niche

As you’re hustling to make your real estate business grow, do you ever get the sense that you’re being pulled in too many different directions? In an industry as broad- and deep- as real estate, succeeding as a “jack-of-all-trades” is nearly impossible. At Trustworthy...
Possible Home Title Issues

Possible Home Title Issues

No one saw it coming. The home was beautiful and perfect for your family. The price was reasonable, and your offer was accepted. In the days between signing the contract and meeting at the closing table, however, you were thrown a curveball; the house you were already...