When purchasing a new home, it is assumed that the homeowner will need to maintain yardwork. However, did you know that if you choose to neglect your yard, that you could face major fines from your HOA and your city management?
What Responsibility do you have to do Yardwork?
It is not uncommon for our chores to get away from us with how busy life can be. Especially in the summer months as the heat begins to rage. When considering maintaining your lawn, it is easy to ignore that kind of heat. However, after time, your neighbors and HOA may begin to take notice. With a simple phone call, a report can be filed, and have a note at the door of the household. When receiving these notices, what abilities do the HOA and city really have when telling you to maintain your yard? This is your property, and it is assumed you can do anything you would like with it. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. If you own a property that has a “Curb Appeal” then you are expected to keep up a certain standard of appearances.
Other Options
Learning about this may be a bit confusing. And this may make you wonder, what level of work is needed to meet the bare minimum? Well, it is pretty simple. As long as you keep your yard mowed, generally, you will be left alone. Nobody expects everyone to have beautiful flowers and bushes out front of their house. While that is absolutely welcome, it is unrealistic to require every home on every street to manage this. There are also several services, whether it be professionals or just some neighborhood kids. These services will come to your home every week. They will mow your grass, and clean your yard for roughly $20 per week.
Overall, it can be a bit of a shock when buying a home that there are certain expectations that you must maintain when it comes to your yard. However, with an investment of $20-$80 per month, you can avoid the expectations and yard work that comes with it altogether. Especially in the summer months where the heat plays a major part in the neglect that comes with the yard work.