Most people are probably aware that, as a real estate agent, you make zero cash until you actually sell a house. It’s not a secret. Many people also probably understand that it can take a little while to sell your first house. In fact, most think they’ve considered everything except, there’s a few rarely-considered points that we feel we should mention. These are things real estate agents don’t realize until they’re in the business, so take the time and look into these individually. And believe it or not, almost every agent will go through these. Thus, here are…
3 Things To Consider Before Becoming A Real Estate Agent
The money isn’t that great
The average real estate agent doesn’t make a huge amount of money, depending on the region. Many agents actually make below minimum wage if you take into account all the time spent for the money made. This surprises most as the big commissions give the impression that the overall income is high. Perhaps some research into your area will net you some information on the potential returns.
This isn’t a TV show
Many people become real estate agents after inspiration from specific real estate TV shows. Unfortunately, what you don’t see on TV is the non-glamorous side. Returning emails, making calls, doing paperwork and many other jobs are done at strange hours and many agents’ days start before most people are out of their beds. At the end of the day, don’t be surprised about how much work there actually is.
You decide your hours
Of course real estate agents make their own hours, but what some people may not realize that if you actually want to be successful, chances are you’re not sleeping in whenever you want. The hard reality is the same as most other jobs. Work everyday, 8-9 hours a day. Consistently. But be careful not to overwork, which is a common issue with real estate agents too. As a real estate agent, you may work all hours of the night on some days, but ensure you still take the time and plan your days off so you don’t burn out early.